Proto Porn

A press photo from January of ‘45 captures San Francisco Judge Twain Michelsen taking in a local Burlesque show.. He found the performance by Marjorie “Dimples” Sullivan (and another dancer) to be “indecent”.. Fined the producer

A press photo from January of ‘45 captures San Francisco Judge Twain Michelsen taking in a local Burlesque show.. He found the performance by Marjorie “Dimples” Sullivan (and another dancer) to be “indecent”.. Fined the producer

A press photo from January of ‘45 captures San Francisco Judge Twain Michelsen

Burlyqnell:   Signed Vintage 50’S-Era Promo Photo Of Sally Lane (And Her Monkey: &Amp;Ldquo;Fifi&Amp;Rdquo;)..

Burlyqnell:   Signed Vintage 50’S-Era Promo Photo Of Sally Lane (And Her Monkey:

Marnee Latham

Marnee Latham

Towards The End Of Her Burlesque Career, Dancer Mara Gaye Did A Number Of Fetish And Nudie-Cutie Photoshoots.. This Image Is From One Of Those..

Towards The End Of Her Burlesque Career, Dancer Mara Gaye Did A Number Of Fetish

Nikki Masters    Aka. “The Champagne Lady”.. As Scanned From The Pages Of The June &Amp;Lsquo;57 Issue Of 'Dazzle&Amp;Rsquo; Magazine..

Nikki Masters    Aka. “The Champagne Lady”.. As Scanned From The Pages Of

Nina Sansone    Aka. &Amp;Ldquo;Angel In Disguise&Amp;Rdquo;..

Nina Sansone    Aka. &Amp;Ldquo;Angel In Disguise&Amp;Rdquo;..

Sisterwolf:    Naja Karamuru  

Sisterwolf:    Naja Karamuru  

Özel Türkbas Vintage 40&Amp;Rsquo;S-Era Promo Postcard Of This Famous Turkish Bellydancer..

Özel Türkbas Vintage 40&Amp;Rsquo;S-Era Promo Postcard Of This Famous Turkish Bellydancer..

Burlyqnell:    Vintage 50&Amp;Rsquo;S-Era Signed Promo Postcard Of Tinker Bell..

Burlyqnell:    Vintage 50&Amp;Rsquo;S-Era Signed Promo Postcard Of Tinker Bell..

A 50’S-Era Promotional Handbill For The ‘Strip City’ Nightclub In Los Angeles.. Featuring Popular Burly-Q Comedian/Emcee: Tim &Amp;Ldquo;Kingfish&Amp;Rdquo; Moore; And A Cast Of 6 Exotic Dancers, Including: Novita..

A 50’S-Era Promotional Handbill For The ‘Strip City’ Nightclub In Los Angeles..

Novita (Wearing Sunglasses) Marches The Picket Line With Other Members Of The &Amp;Lsquo;Exotic Dancers League&Amp;Rsquo;.. The Picket Took Place In 1959, In Front Of The Offices Of The ‘Los Angeles Examiner’ Newspaper; To Protest Their New Policy Of Disallowing

Novita (Wearing Sunglasses) Marches The Picket Line With Other Members Of The &Amp;Lsquo;Exotic

Paprika Kicks A Lovely Leg Up!

Paprika Kicks A Lovely Leg Up!

Pat &Amp;Ldquo;Amber&Amp;Rdquo; Halladay As Featured In An Article Scanned From The August ‘56 Issue Of ‘Modern Man’ Magazine.. She&Amp;Rsquo;S Seen With Good Friend, Mentor, And Longtime Burlesque Performer: Carrie Finnell; Who Gave Ms. Halladay The Nickname

  Pat &Amp;Ldquo;Amber&Amp;Rdquo; Halladay As Featured In An Article Scanned From

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