Proto Porn

brokehorrorfan: Rose Siggins, who played Legless Suzi in America Horror Story: Freak Show, passed away this morning. She went in for a kidney stone surgery on Monday and never made it out of the hospital. She was 43. Siggins was born with a rare genetic

brokehorrorfan: Rose Siggins, who played Legless Suzi in America Horror Story: Freak Show, passed away this morning. She went in for a kidney stone surgery on Monday and never made it out of the hospital. She was 43. Siggins was born with a rare genetic

brokehorrorfan:  Rose Siggins, who played Legless Suzi in America Horror Story: Freak

Liberalsarecool: Trudaddytrash: Fiftythreecrimes: In The Midst Of The Awful Rhetoric About Refugees These Images Give Me Such Joy.  Welcome To Canada! Great Job Welcoming Them, Calgary! I Hope To See More Moments Like This All Across Canada.  This

Liberalsarecool:  Trudaddytrash:  Fiftythreecrimes:  In The Midst Of The Awful Rhetoric

Kierstenolivia: Eccentric-Nae: Krxs10: ********* Breaking News ********* Ex-Oklahoma City Cop Daniel Holtzclaw Found Guilty Of Multiple On-Duty Rapes In The Trial Of Serial Rapist Ex-Cop Daniel Holtzclaw—A Man Who Took An Extraordinarily Evil

Kierstenolivia:  Eccentric-Nae:  Krxs10:  ********* Breaking News *********   Ex-Oklahoma

Kieraplease: Model: Kieraplease Shot By Lvtrkevin

Kieraplease:  Model: Kieraplease Shot By Lvtrkevin

Caram3Lk1Ng: Msdejuanacarter: Gang0Fwolves: Sochiximbashful: Cudrage: Br0Kenheartsg0-Deactivated20150: Katt Williams On Dave Chappelle: “But Dave Chappelle Was Decapitated In Front Of Us. And Until We Deal That. Until We Deal With The Fact That

Caram3Lk1Ng:  Msdejuanacarter:  Gang0Fwolves:  Sochiximbashful:  Cudrage:  Br0Kenheartsg0-Deactivated20150:

Blasianxbri: Myoong2: Hermosa-Lio: When Dat @Brysontiller “Don’t” Come On! 😩😂 I’m The Multiple Dabs I Can’t With The Dabs Lol.

Blasianxbri:  Myoong2:  Hermosa-Lio:  When Dat @Brysontiller “Don’t” Come On!

Jcoleknowsbest: Thoughtsofablackgirl: I Could Not Help But Share This. Nothing But The Truth…

Jcoleknowsbest:  Thoughtsofablackgirl:  I Could Not Help But Share This.  Nothing

Demho3Zhatinq: Malcolmxing: Hungary-Hippos: Daniel Holtzclaw: *Cries Uncontrollaby*Me: I Loved Watching That, I Laughed! Hahahahahahaahahahahahaa

Demho3Zhatinq:  Malcolmxing:  Hungary-Hippos:  Daniel Holtzclaw: *Cries Uncontrollaby*Me:

Callmesarahboo: Historicallyrelevant: Dejavu11: Darkskin-Papi: Yin-Meets-Yang: Releaseyour-Mind: Fangirlymoose: Prettyboyshyflizzy: Goldennmami: Imdemetrialynn: Rudegyalchina: Chi-Dan: Sbrulestheworld: Drakefromthe6: When Is This Single

Callmesarahboo:  Historicallyrelevant:  Dejavu11:  Darkskin-Papi:  Yin-Meets-Yang:

Runningtheriskofbeingfree: Sothatsnerdy: Throughanartistseyes: Spread This Shit!! !!!!! Y'all Are Talking A Big Game, Tumblr. Make Good On It!

Runningtheriskofbeingfree:  Sothatsnerdy:  Throughanartistseyes:  Spread This Shit!!

Kingpinnn: Real Talk

Kingpinnn:    Real Talk

Patti-So-Moist: Noirega: Mood Ayyyyyyyyyyyyye. This Bout To Be Me In The Club

Patti-So-Moist:  Noirega:  Mood   Ayyyyyyyyyyyyye. This Bout To Be Me In The Club

Rayredspider: These Exchanges Between A Bigot Named Brendan Sullivan, And A Heroic Troll Named Robert Graves, Will Be The Best Thing You Read All Day, I Promise. This Is The Whole Donald Trump Fandom Succinctly Wrapped Up In One Idiotic Facebook User

Rayredspider:  These Exchanges Between A Bigot Named Brendan Sullivan, And A Heroic

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