Proto Porn

Bangladeshi commuters cross the Buriganga River on a floating boat bridge in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2010. Since the growth of water hyacinth has hampered the movement of boats on the river a group of boatmen have taken 34 dinghies

Bangladeshi commuters cross the Buriganga River on a floating boat bridge in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2010. Since the growth of water hyacinth has hampered the movement of boats on the river a group of boatmen have taken 34 dinghies

 Bangladeshi commuters cross the Buriganga River on a floating boat bridge in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2010. Since

 Bangladeshi commuters cross the Buriganga River on a floating boat bridge in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2010. Since



Feministlorde: Bishopmyles: Comingoutchick: Remember The Two Gay Dads That Took A Photo Last Year Doing Their Daughters’s Hair In The Morning? Well….Now They Have A Nikon Commercial This Is A Really Good Commercial, That’s Wassup Yo. Ugly Crying

Feministlorde:  Bishopmyles:  Comingoutchick:  Remember The Two Gay Dads That Took

Mtv: Maybe Now You’ll Think Twice Before Posting Something Online… 

Mtv:  Maybe Now You’ll Think Twice Before Posting Something Online… 





Stay-Human: Pakistani Students Recreate Photo Taken Before Peshawar School Massacre In Atrocities Like The Massacre At A School In Peshawar Last Month, The Individual Victims Can Sometimes Be Forgotten; Replaced In Headlines By A Number - In This Case

Stay-Human:  Pakistani Students Recreate Photo Taken Before Peshawar School Massacre





Kenyabenyagurl: Land-Of-Propaganda: #Blacklivesmatter Eric Frein, Known Cop Killer Who Was Armed At The Time, Was Safety Apprehended Recently. While These Five Young Men Were Shot Within Minutes. (10/31) No Intention Of Arrest..

Kenyabenyagurl:  Land-Of-Propaganda:  #Blacklivesmatter  Eric Frein, Known Cop Killer

Nan Goldin

 Nan Goldin

Chinese Immigrants In New York City | 1992 - 2011 Chien Chi Chang 

 Chinese Immigrants In New York City | 1992 - 2011 Chien Chi Chang 



Gravure GravureGirls