Proto Porn
Just enjoying myself
Just enjoying myself
✁ ✃Whatever People Say I Am, Thats What Im Not✂ ✄
Gravesandghouls: Costume Football Match C. 1920
Burning The Candle At Both Ends.
Ginacochina: Ugh I Want To Hangout With Them
All Things Gretsch
✁ ✃Whatever People Say I Am, Thats What Im Not✂ ✄
(Via Raiderzombie, Raiderzombie, Chopssplace)
Theladybadass: Florence Hill And Bessie Dudley In Duke Ellington’s 1933 Musical Short, A Bundle Of Blues
Chetaliciousawesomer: Johnny Cash, Song Writer And Great Song Interpreter, Died 10 Years Ago Today, Sept 12, 2003. Here’s To The Master Cross-Over Country Artist Respect By Rap, Rock, Jazz And Country Musicians Alike.