Proto Porn
Pecs And Trailz.
Bdft: Fagformen: Your Straight Roomie Knows You’re A Fag - Likes To Tease… Wish He Was My Room Mate. Got Wood Caught.
Nakedboyservice: So-Subordinate: The D, Actually. The B Would Be Nice Too, Though. I Want This Shirt! Eyes And Muscle.
Woodsy Dads.
Alexeivtoroi:antonio Marras, Ss18 Eyes And Boots.
Notyourprince: Uno De Noviembre November The First Shadow And Light.
Sexy Selfie.
Muscle And Symmetry.
Sexy Selfie.
Beard Dad.
Uncutdirtybriefs:ymca Roofer Trade Dare Ya!
Country Bromance.