Proto Porn

Trying to learn a whole script in one day and having to present in front of 5 classes on stage is hard ;-; how do you absorb all this knowledge al;skdalsdk i cant even memorize a line and i wrote all of it /: I just wish i was   better at this >-<

Trying to learn a whole script in one day and having to present in front of 5 classes on stage is hard ;-; how do you absorb all this knowledge al;skdalsdk i cant even memorize a line and i wrote all of it /: I just wish i was   better at this >-<

Trying to learn a whole script in one day and having to present in front of 5 classes

Trying to learn a whole script in one day and having to present in front of 5 classes

Trying to learn a whole script in one day and having to present in front of 5 classes

Trying to learn a whole script in one day and having to present in front of 5 classes

Trying to learn a whole script in one day and having to present in front of 5 classes

Trying to learn a whole script in one day and having to present in front of 5 classes

Trying to learn a whole script in one day and having to present in front of 5 classes

Trying to learn a whole script in one day and having to present in front of 5 classes

Trying to learn a whole script in one day and having to present in front of 5 classes

Ludakrease: I Dont Know How I’m Able To Control Myself In Public When I See A Cute Boy I Want To Make Out With

Ludakrease:  I Dont Know How I’m Able To Control Myself In Public When I See A

Jeonbu: “Mother, I Miss You”

Jeonbu:  “Mother, I Miss You”

What If I Got A Boyfriend I Wouldn’t Know What To Do What Do They Eat How Often Do They Have To Be Walked

 What If I Got A Boyfriend I Wouldn’t Know What To Do What Do They Eat How Often

Keysloth: No Homo Kim Jonghyun No Homo At All 

Keysloth:   No Homo Kim Jonghyun No Homo At All 

Clara-Oswald: Do You Ever Go Through Those Phases Where You Just Don’t Feel Like Talking To Anyone For A Few Days And It’s Not Because You’re Mad Or Anything You Just Don’t Feel Like Talking???

Clara-Oswald:  Do You Ever Go Through Those Phases Where You Just Don’t Feel Like

Blonde Junghan

Blonde Junghan

Perolinha: Luhan And His Greasy Thai Phrase (〜^∇^) 〜

Perolinha:  Luhan And His Greasy Thai Phrase (〜^∇^) 〜

Camach0: Does Anyone Else Suddenly Feel Insanely Insecure When Someone Incredibly Attractive Looks You In The Eye

Camach0:  Does Anyone Else Suddenly Feel Insanely Insecure When Someone Incredibly

Transweiner: Minho Making Impression Of How Squirrel Bit Him

Transweiner:  Minho Making Impression Of How Squirrel Bit Him

Blonde Junghan

Blonde Junghan

♡ 02.18 ♡

♡ 02.18 ♡

I Don't Know

I Don't Know

VintageSmut Vintage_NSFW_GIFS