Proto Porn
☆ homo homini lupus est ☆
☆ homo homini lupus est ☆
Mole: You Dont Know Frustration Until Youve Tried Plugging Something Into A Socket In The Dark
Collegehumor: Oh, So White People Can’t Say The N Word Now?! [Click For More] It’s 2013, People. Get With It. And Stop Eating So Much Butter.
A Sense Of Serenity And Relief
👑 Princess 👑
👑 Princess 👑
Yakushisarchive: “It Is Indeed A New Age!”
Candycane-Chan: Kakashi Will Take Care Of It
What A Monster
All The Anime I Like
Indecisive-Semmmpai: Source: X
Indecisive-Semmmpai: Source: X
Holy Cheesecakes