Proto Porn

Stay Positive Bro.

Stay Positive Bro.

Stay Positive Bro.

Jeblaguejeblog: Someone Tattoo This On My Eyelids.

Jeblaguejeblog:  Someone Tattoo This On My Eyelids.

Paperlucario: Finding Out Somebody You Thought Was Cool Is Actually A Giant Asshole

Paperlucario:  Finding Out Somebody You Thought Was Cool Is Actually A Giant Asshole

Sexpansion: *Covers Up Real Feelings With Aggressive Sarcasm*

Sexpansion:  *Covers Up Real Feelings With Aggressive Sarcasm*

Eat, Sleep, Lift, Repeat

Eat, Sleep, Lift, Repeat



Eat, Sleep, Lift, Repeat

Eat, Sleep, Lift, Repeat

Skinnyfitandsexy: I Just Laughed So Loudomg

Skinnyfitandsexy:  I Just Laughed So Loudomg

1000Drawings: By Agnes-Cecile

1000Drawings:  By Agnes-Cecile

May All Your Bacon Burn

May All Your Bacon Burn



Iguanamouth: Tried To Explain To The Seven Year Old I Babysit That Being Immortal Would Actually Be Awful Because Eventually Everyone You Know Would Die And You Would Be Alone And He Was Like “Good”

Iguanamouth:  Tried To Explain To The Seven Year Old I Babysit That Being Immortal

Eat, Sleep, Lift, Repeat

Eat, Sleep, Lift, Repeat

ASSians ATPorn