Proto Porn

suaine: They had left Earth with the best of intentions, all glowing with pride, scientific curiosity and the pioneer spirit. Nothing had driven them away; Earth was, for all her problems, a perfectly viable system that would likely host humanity

suaine: They had left Earth with the best of intentions, all glowing with pride, scientific curiosity and the pioneer spirit. Nothing had driven them away; Earth was, for all her problems, a perfectly viable system that would likely host humanity

suaine:   They had left Earth  with the best of intentions, all glowing with pride,

Fotojournalismus: A Cat Dressed In A Traditional Ukrainian Embroidered Shirt Takes Part In A Parade In Kiev On May 28, 2016. (Gleb Garanich/Reuters)

Fotojournalismus:  A Cat Dressed In A Traditional Ukrainian Embroidered Shirt Takes

My Darling Ginger Was One Of The Best Things In My Life. I&Amp;Rsquo;Ve Heard The Phrase &Amp;Ldquo;They&Amp;Rsquo;Ll Live On In My Heart&Amp;Rdquo; Before But It Has A Deeper Meaning Now Because I Feel Like I Really Am Living It. She&Amp;Rsquo;S Alive In My Heart. And My

My Darling Ginger Was One Of The Best Things In My Life. I&Amp;Rsquo;Ve Heard The

Pervocracy: Morganoperandi: Anarcho-Shindouism: For The Record, ‘Not Feeling Anything’ Is A Valid And Not Unusual Response To Trauma Or Grief So If You Feel Empty And Devoid Of Feeling, It’s Not Because You’re A Cold And Uncaring Person.

Pervocracy:  Morganoperandi:  Anarcho-Shindouism:  For The Record, ‘Not Feeling

Ruspeach: Рассвет В Селе Дунилово, Россияdawn In The Village Dunilovo, Russia

Ruspeach:  Рассвет В Селе Дунилово, Россияdawn In The Village

Niramish: Textile Map Of India. 

Niramish:  Textile Map Of India. 

Himbos Only

Himbos Only



I Did Go Thru A &Amp;Ldquo;I Don&Amp;Rsquo;T Know If I Can Ever Have Another Cat After Ginger&Amp;Rdquo; Phase But I Know My Life Isn&Amp;Rsquo;T Complete Without A Companion. I Will Have Another Cat Someday. Just Because My Dad Doesn&Amp;Rsquo;T Want One Even Tho Mom And

I Did Go Thru A &Amp;Ldquo;I Don&Amp;Rsquo;T Know If I Can Ever Have Another Cat

Batcii: My Fave Bending Children

Batcii:  My Fave Bending Children



Nervous Little Punk Boy

 Nervous Little Punk Boy

Macbethoff: Sith Rey

Macbethoff:  Sith Rey

Bukkake Bulges