Proto Porn
take a look at your life
take a look at your life
Thatsnotwatyourmomsaid: Im Sorry Rosie Youve Been A Good Friend
Siochan-Leat: Ckburch: Sandandglass: The Muppets S01E07 Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn Miss Piggy Telling It Like It Is And Keeping It Real.
Ah Yes, I Love To Smoke That Marriage Iguana
This Is Everyday Racism
A Little Girl In A Big, Bad World
A Drawfriend From /Co/
Rabioheab: Can’t Stand Those Dumb Teenagers Who Insist On Using “Da” Instead Of “The” Because They Think It’s Cool. Leonardo Da Vinci? Seriously? It’s Obviously Leonardo The Vinci, You Uncultured Swine
Thegits: Egobuzz: This New Cup Design Is Really Rude Stop Im Done
All I Ever Wanted Was The World
Goth-Heaux: Me In Chemistry Class.