Proto Porn
the-pizza-gallery:Papa Luke’s Pizzeria breakfast pizza!
the-pizza-gallery:Papa Luke’s Pizzeria breakfast pizza!
Captainsnoop: Kengriffey-Jr: I Feel Like I’ve Phased Into An Alternate Universe You Know How Japanese Otakus Will Destroy Their Idol Cds And Merchandise If It Comes Out That Their Favorite Idol Has A Boyfriend Or Whatever Im Imagining That Exact Reaction,
Weavemama: Phantom-Of-The-Soul: Intersectionalfeministkilljoy: Weavemama: The Only Good Thing About Trump Supporters Is How Easy It Is To Drag Them With The Simplest Fact Also, The Great Wall Of China Is Also Known As “The Longest Cemetery On
Welcome Twisted Ones
Welcome Twisted Ones
Dwaynethejockronson: White. Supremacy. Is. Not. An. Opinion. Nazism. Is. Not. An. Opinion. You. Cannot. Debate. Fascism. A. Punch. Is. Not. Worse. Than. Being. Murdered. Physical. Violence. In. Response. To. A. Verbal. Threat. Is. Self. Defense.
Welcome Twisted Ones
Y’all Mind If I
Yahooentertainment:bernie On Point
Peteneems:that Time Arnold’s Grandpa Beat Up Hitler.
Girlschasinggirls: Tsaritsacatherine: Eleanor Roosevelt And Lyudmila Pavlichenko. Lyudmila Pavlichenko Was A Soviet Sniper Credited With 309 Kills, She Is Regarded As The Most Successful Female Sniper In History. She Visited With President Franklin
Logrollingdownhill: Alex Guarnaschelli: Regina George Of Food Network