Proto Porn
4gifs:Simon gets startled by the tornado siren. [video]
4gifs:Simon gets startled by the tornado siren. [video]
Prehistories: If There’s One Thing To Be Thankful For Its That Tumblr Has No Group Chat Function It’s Either A One-On-One Faceoff In An Alleyway Or You’re Outside On Ur Porch W A Megaphone
Kingburu: Shadamy22: Sp00Ky-Teacup: Williamhmasqets: Fandomsandfeminism: Firebreathingeli: Please Watch This Series Of Japanese Gum Commercials You Won’t Regret It I Promise ……Wow Omg Omg? @Thisismouseface Imagine Your Op
Churchyardgrim:hot New Trend: Responding To Every Minor Inconvenience With “Would A Merciful God Have Allowed This?” Shouted Loudly Into The Room
This-Is-Cthulhu-Privilege: Libertarirynn: Yourownpetard: Sugarforsalt: There It Is. There What Is? Something Dumb. Tbh Prisons Shouldn’t Be For Profit, It Just Gives Incentive To Throw People In Regardless Of Guilt Or Innocence.
Gearshifter09:I’ve Seen You Do This.
Soundsof71: Happy Janis In London, 1969
Mistressvioleta: Manhood: Soliloquief: White Parent: Lakeisha? Ugh That’s So Ghetto White Parent: Come Here, Haphestus Applbee’s Juniper Moon Berry The 3Rd :) @Eyesoflightanddark
Yummyfoooooood:cheesy Waffle Fries With Cheese Sauce
Honeybruh: Daplugsmotivation: I Taught Him This Maneuver In A Lost City High Up In The Mountain Tops Of The Himalayas
Babyanimalgifs:dog Snaps
Drinking-Tea-At-Midnight: Jacobblogsforever: Holy Shit, Really? I Had No Idea That The Radioactive Dinosaur That Breathes A Fucking Blue Laser Beam Just Might Be Scientifically Implausible I Love How Fast Everyone’s Turned On This Pedantic Nerd