Proto Porn

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”

0-Memento-Mori-0: Gluten-Free-Pussy: Beachdeath: Tbh After Sandyhook, That Was When I Knew The Conversation Surrounding Guns In America Was Dead. If Nothing Was Done When These Babies Were Murdered, Nothing Will Ever Be Done America Didn’t.

0-Memento-Mori-0:  Gluten-Free-Pussy:  Beachdeath:    Tbh After Sandyhook, That Was

Bunyipboy: It Was A Nonsense Move, You Made Steel To Export . Steel, It Gave Your Country Jobs And Profit But By Making It Hard For Other Countries To Access Your Steel You Put Those At Risk. It Is Common Sense It Is Not Even Complicated Economic Jargon

Bunyipboy:  It Was A Nonsense Move, You Made Steel To Export . Steel, It Gave Your

Fattyatomicmutant: Churchyardgrim: Slightlyfrumiousbandersnatch: Just-Shower-Thoughts: The Fact That We Can Accidentally Bite The Insides Of Our Cheeks Has To Be The Biggest Design Flaw Of The Human Body. No Sorry It’s The Fact That Our Trachea And

Fattyatomicmutant: Churchyardgrim:  Slightlyfrumiousbandersnatch:  Just-Shower-Thoughts:

Socialistexan: Dajjalsdick: Youtube’s Algorithm…I Mean Yes This Is About Flat-Earthers, And We All Like To Laugh About Them, But Something Has To Be Said About The Fact That Conspiracy Theories Are Spread So Easily To Impressionable Youth At A Global

Socialistexan:  Dajjalsdick:  Youtube’s Algorithm…I Mean Yes This Is About Flat-Earthers,

Whimsical-Asshole: Inspired By These Tweets:

Whimsical-Asshole: Inspired By These Tweets:

Babyspicegf:mood Every Time I See That Fucking Banner On Here

Babyspicegf:mood Every Time I See That Fucking Banner On Here

Blue-Eyed-Thing: Catchymemes: Magicians Are Nothing Without Their Assistant Great Wingman

Blue-Eyed-Thing:  Catchymemes: Magicians Are Nothing Without Their Assistant  Great

Gwynndolin:kiss Your Fucking Gf’s Tummy You Bastards

Gwynndolin:kiss Your Fucking Gf’s Tummy You Bastards

Drinking-Tea-At-Midnight: Dulcimergecko: Anauthorandherservicedog: Gertiecraign: Sethevans495: Flush Them All This! This Is The Election That Counts. Start Educating Yourself Now On Who Will Be Campaigning To Be Your Congresspeople/Governor/Etc. 

Drinking-Tea-At-Midnight:  Dulcimergecko: Anauthorandherservicedog:  Gertiecraign:

The-New-Mandalor: The Girl You Like: Her Older Sister: Her Annoyingly Cute Kid Brother: Her Overprotective Older Brother(S): Her Majestic Mother: Her Overly Powerful Father: Her Ex: You:

The-New-Mandalor:  The Girl You Like: Her Older Sister: Her Annoyingly Cute Kid Brother:

Drinking-Tea-At-Midnight: Profeminist: Source This.  And The Reason Why They Blame Women Is Because To Admit That It’s Toxic Masculinity Would Require Men To Haveself Reflection And Realize Some Of Their Actions Are Bad.

Drinking-Tea-At-Midnight:  Profeminist: Source This.  And The Reason Why They Blame

Biphobicerasurer: Marvelgifs: Thor (2011) // Deleted Scene Why Did They Delete This

Biphobicerasurer:  Marvelgifs: Thor (2011) // Deleted Scene  Why Did They Delete