Proto Porn

“Now a soft kiss - Aye, by that kiss, I vow an endless bliss.” ― John Keats

“Now a soft kiss - Aye, by that kiss, I vow an endless bliss.” ― John Keats

“Now a soft kiss - Aye, by that kiss, I vow an endless bliss.”  ― John Keats



“Have You Ever Really Held The Hand Of Someone You Love? Not Just In Passing, A Loose Link Between You - But Truly Clasped, With The Pulses Of Your Wrists Beating Together And Your Fingers Mapping The Knuckles And Nails Like A Cartographer Learning

“Have You Ever Really Held The Hand Of Someone You Love? Not Just In Passing, A





Yes, Sir

Yes, Sir

Sir's Playground

Sir's Playground



A Filthy Blog

A Filthy Blog

Visual King

Visual King

Temptation Awaits!!

Temptation Awaits!!

Arsamandix: Ars Amandi ♥ The Art Of Love.

Arsamandix:  Ars Amandi ♥ The Art Of Love.

Arsamandix: Ars Amandi ♥ The Art Of Love.

Arsamandix:  Ars Amandi ♥ The Art Of Love.

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