Proto Porn

“Don’t look away. Look straight at everything. Look it all in the eye, good and bad.” ~Henry Miller, Dear, Dear Brenda: The Love Letters of Henry Miller to Brenda Venus

“Don’t look away. Look straight at everything. Look it all in the eye, good and bad.” ~Henry Miller, Dear, Dear Brenda: The Love Letters of Henry Miller to Brenda Venus

“Don’t look away. Look straight at everything. Look it all in the eye,

&Amp;Ldquo;I Wasn&Amp;Rsquo;T In Love With Her. And She Didn&Amp;Rsquo;T Love Me. For Me The Question Of Love Was Irrelevant. What I Sought Was The Sense Of Being Tossed About By Some Raging, Savage Force, In The Midst Of Which Lay Something Absolutely Crucial. I

&Amp;Ldquo;I Wasn&Amp;Rsquo;T In Love With Her. And She Didn&Amp;Rsquo;T Love Me.

&Amp;Ldquo;Now Do You Understand Why I&Amp;Rsquo;M Interested In You? You&Amp;Rsquo;Re A Locked Door, Sweetheart. You Give No One A Key And You Never Answer The Door When Anyone Knocks&Amp;Hellip;Ah, But Sometimes, Sometimes I Get A Peek Through The Keyhole And What

&Amp;Ldquo;Now Do You Understand Why I&Amp;Rsquo;M Interested In You? You&Amp;Rsquo;Re

Wild, Yet Refined

Wild, Yet Refined

Oh! *Sighs*

Oh! *Sighs*



One Dom’s Need

One Dom’s Need

Sir Rollinokie

Sir Rollinokie

Wild, Yet Refined

Wild, Yet Refined

Wild, Yet Refined

Wild, Yet Refined

Wild, Yet Refined

Wild, Yet Refined

Wild, Yet Refined

Wild, Yet Refined



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