Proto Porn
iiynx: Eylül Aslan
iiynx: Eylül Aslan
Euo: &Amp;Ldquo;Revenge Is Never A Straight Line. It’s A Forest, And Like A Forest It’s Easy To Lose Your Way… To Get Lost… To Forget Where You Came In.&Amp;Rdquo; Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Dir. Quentin Tarantino
199714424: Trash (Paul Morrissey, 1970)
Outsh: Graciela Magnoni
Untitled-1991: Richard Bush Tetyana Brazhnyk I-D April 2002
Ig: @Pimsembenjamin
Nevver: School’s Out
Lottereinigerforever: Stand By Me
Untrustyou: Coolhandluke
Euo: “Every Path Is The Right Path. Everything Could’ve Been Anything Else. And It Would Have Just As Much Meaning.” Mr. Nobody (2009) Dir. Jaco Van Dormael
20Aliens: Federica Erra