Proto Porn

Featuring the Worst Shows in America,– But the Best Time in the World!.. Vintage 50’s-era cover design to the Menu program at the infamous ‘OASIS Cabaret’ nightclub; which was located in a basement at the corner of Baltimore and Frederick

Featuring the Worst Shows in America,– But the Best Time in the World!.. Vintage 50’s-era cover design to the Menu program at the infamous ‘OASIS Cabaret’ nightclub; which was located in a basement at the corner of Baltimore and Frederick

 Featuring the Worst Shows in America,– But the Best Time in the World!..

Michele Marshall Later In Her Career, She Would Dye Her Hair Blonde And Dance As: Bonnie Blue..

 Michele Marshall Later In Her Career, She Would Dye Her Hair Blonde And Dance As:



The Sensual  Nina Sansone

The Sensual  Nina Sansone

Novita   (Aka. Rosie Mitchell) In 1955, Posing For A Promo Photo On The Stage Of The ‘Follies Theatre’ In Los Angeles.. Image Courtesy Of Novita, The Pixie Of Burlesque..

 Novita   (Aka. Rosie Mitchell) In 1955, Posing For A Promo Photo On The Stage

Pat Darling Vintage Promo Photo Personalized To The Mother Of Burlesque Emcee/Entertainer, Bucky Conrad: “With My Love  — To Louise. The Most — Pat Darling ”..

        Pat Darling Vintage Promo Photo Personalized To The Mother Of Burlesque Emcee/Entertainer,

Pat Meschelle

Pat Meschelle

Pat Robbins

 Pat Robbins

Rebel Dawn

Rebel Dawn

Lovely… Renée De Milo Promotional Handbill Generated By Her Theatrical Representative: Eddie Kaplan Agency, Inc..

  Lovely… Renée De Milo Promotional Handbill Generated By Her Theatrical Representative:

Rose La Rose     Aka. &Amp;Ldquo;The Queen Of Burlesque&Amp;Rdquo;.. Vintage Portrait Promo Photo From 1942..

Rose La Rose     Aka. &Amp;Ldquo;The Queen Of Burlesque&Amp;Rdquo;.. Vintage Portrait

Rusty Lane More Pics Of Rusty Can Be Found Here..

Rusty Lane More Pics Of Rusty Can Be Found Here..



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