Proto Porn
juanfernandova: In Homeworld, pearls are used for this. @slbtumblng rofl XD
juanfernandova: In Homeworld, pearls are used for this. @slbtumblng rofl XD
Dragon-Flare: I Was Bored So This Happened. I Hate Hands Ssoo Much. @Slbtumblng I See Why You Like Mettaton Lol Xd
Dikatsu: A Birthday Gift For A Friend! This Was Printed As A Huge Poster :D !!! &Amp;Lt;3
Nyong-Choi: 낙서낙서 왜 다ㅏ 오른쪽을 보고있는건지ㅣ &Amp;Gt; U&Amp;Lt;
Askam3Thyst: Yo. (Original Design By Brid) My Angel~ &Amp;Lt;3 &Amp;Lt;3 &Amp;Lt;3
Kkhoppang: Oh My Gosh… Here It Is U_U* I Need This Fusion To Happen Like Badly! &Amp;Lt;3 &Amp;Lt;3 &Amp;Lt;3
Pervertedequality: This Probably Has Been Done A Dozen Times But I Couldnt Help Myself Lmao @Slbtumblng Lol Xd
Summertrenches: Practice &Amp;Lt;3
Hochocolate: Fuwa Fuwa &Amp;Lt;3
Mankanmako: Rtした漫画の主人公に纏流子みを感じたのでコスプレしてもらった &Amp;Lt;3 &Amp;Lt;3 &Amp;Lt;3
Kuribo-H: Killlakill | Michael.r [Pixiv] (X) Babe And Sis~ &Amp;Lt;3 &Amp;Lt;3 &Amp;Lt;3
Smidgeworks: “Well, You’re A Quartz. They’re Huge, Loyal Soldiers. You Should Be Twice Your Size. Broad Shouldered, Intimidating, But You Simply Stayed In The Ground Too Long.”Made A Companion To This Piece, A Beefy, Scary Amethyst :X[Please
Queeradorability: Kyrusthewaker: Dreamer-Mari: Stfuadachi: Jankybones: Sorta A Follow-Up To This Lil Pic Screaammmminnggggg. But Who Would Be Mettaton Maybe Greg? Not Sure Wait I Have It Rose As Toriel Greg As Asgore Garnet As Mettaton And Lars