Proto Porn
Yo tengo un corazón...
Yo tengo un corazón...
Princess Carolyn
Cwote:despite What You Think, The World Would Be A Very Different Place Without You In It.
Madeofcelluloid: ‘Girl, Interrupted’, James Mangold (1999)Crazy Isn’t Being Broken, Or Swallowing A Dark Secret. It’s You, Or Me, Amplified. If You Ever Told A Lie, And Enjoyed It. If You Ever Wished You Could Be A Child, Forever.
Aquaticwonder: Paris In The Rain | Christophe Jacrot
Retrogamingblog: Hero Of Time Vinyl Lp From Materia Collective
Hell Was The Journey But It Brought Me Heaven
Somospandaspordentroyporfuera: Jajajajajajaja-Una Chica Invisible.
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