Proto Porn
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Dragon Slayers!
Otakus-E-Otomes: Pokeball
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Fairy Tale
Rubenthenigger: It’s Time To D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-Duel!
Electricviolence: Terraterracotta: I Was Browsing Tumblr Earlier And Found This Kind Of “Tag-Pull” Poster For Pokemon. I Searched Everywhere But I Could Not Find A Digimon Version. So Inspired By The Pokemon One, Here Is One For You Digimon Fans.
Ciel-The-Earl-Phantomhive: Toxius: Goodbyebrielle: Ahighspeedcollision: Best Cosplay Ever? Best Cosplay Ever. Best Cosplay Ever Oh My God He’s Got The Eye Thing Down Pat The Eye Thing This Is Perfection
Alguém Quer Fazer Um Joguinho?
Otaku Is This!!
Otaku-Reblog Answered Your Question: Alguém Quer Fazer Um Joguinho? Dependendo De Como For… Eu Aceito! Eu Tava Pensando Em Eu Falar As Características De Um Personagem E Vocês Tentam Adivinhar, Que Tal?
Ok Então, Vamos Tentar Né... 1º Personagem: