Proto Porn
It's my birthday!
It's my birthday!
Gagbay: Not Sure What I Just Walked In To… D'aw
Disappointingpopsiclejokes: Disappointing Popsicle Jokes
Babycuts: Cutebabe: Vaginas Are So Pretty ^So True Lol Yer All Out Of Yer Gourds. Vadge Is Uglier Than Cock And Thats Saying Something&Amp;Hellip;
Crystallized-Teardrops: I Suddenly Jolted Awake This Morning At Like 6Am Because In My Dream My Mum Threatened To Go On My Tumblr Valid.
Hairychikubi: Affection Is Dumb And Gross Drown Me In It
Srsfunny: Trampoline Warehouse…Http://
Snarg: Truth Or Dare More Like Preform A Strange Sexual Act Or Tell Me Who You Like
Advice-Animal: Must… Not… Fix… Http:// Well That&Amp;Rsquo;S Just Mean&Amp;Hellip;.
Thats Just Effing Creepy And Inappropriate&Amp;Hellip; Lmao.
Lmao&Amp;Hellip; He Pauses For A Second, All Creepy As Shit. Nice.
Advice-Animal: Bad Luck Cranefly
Astrotastic: Storyofagayboy: Ladies And Gentlemen… I Present Something Beautiful From Bill Nye’s Facebook… They Literally Just Took A Selfie. The President A Scientist And An Engineer Literally Just Took A Selfie Together. Im So Done. Bye. Im