Proto Porn
My face when watching my girlfriend get her ass whooped by a videogame.
My face when watching my girlfriend get her ass whooped by a videogame.
This Is So Gay.
Nero Frost
So Here&Amp;Rsquo;S The Rundown: My Neighbor Mainly Goes Warrior, My Girlfriend Mainly Goes Wizard And I&Amp;Rsquo;M The Only That Actually Combines All 3 Paths.
Lifeafteroblivion: How I Spent My Time In History Class For My Nerd Girlfriend.
Tuprincesaestaenotrocastillo: Algunos Personajes De Videojuegos Al Estilo De Vault-Boy De Fallout, ¿Los Reconocéis Todos? Also For My Nerd Girlfriend.
Tasteslikeprofligates: { Mightovermagic Apparently This Is Fallout: New Vegas Inspired.
Renatowolliver: Renato Wolliver Not Nearly Good Looking Enough To Make Me Watch Resident Evil Shitty Ass Movies.
Theomeganerd: Metal Gear Solid | Artwork By Mikajima
Cap, Y U So Creepy? Y U No Smile Normally?
Lizard And Iron-Man Look Pretty Chummy There.
Amelia Storm
Amelia Storm