Proto Porn
in-hearts-affliction: Lorna Shore // Cre(h)ate
in-hearts-affliction: Lorna Shore // Cre(h)ate
Fuckyeahhbandgifs: Stick To Your Guns - Nobody [X]
Endless Bummer
Baesment: Touché Amoré - Amends (X)
Dirty And Haggard
Tomagostinophoto: Title Fight, Paradise Rock Club
Decimat0R: Counterparts - The Disconnect [X]
Deetly: Code Orange - United Blood 2015
Sxdghoul: Sworn In - Scissors (X)
Dunrath: Beartooth // I Literally Forget What City Instagram: @Dieterunrath
Broken Hearted Loser
I Find It Kind Of Sad