Proto Porn

Love this face omg.

Love this face omg.

Love this face omg.



Flexisex: Before I Taught And Danced To Thriller In Front Of The Grease Trucks! I Love Halloween :) #Alexisacreepystalker You Are Beautiful In Every Single Way.

Flexisex:  Before I Taught And Danced To Thriller In Front Of The Grease Trucks!

Swanandotututorres: Sofapizza:pleatedjeans:thenerdistheword: Bored In His Pugoon At The Moment. Sgdwhjfgsdjhgfhsdjgfds

Swanandotututorres:  Sofapizza:pleatedjeans:thenerdistheword:  Bored In His Pugoon



Heroes-And-Cons: I’m So Hungryyyyy Lasjdlfjfldsfj Want.

Heroes-And-Cons:  I’m So Hungryyyyy  Lasjdlfjfldsfj Want.

Reblogged For Tori.

Reblogged For Tori.



I Am Ramona Right Now. Fear Me.

I Am Ramona Right Now. Fear Me.

Malarkiness: Nanowrimo In Two Days. Nanowrimo In Two Days. Nanowrimo. In. Two. Days.

Malarkiness:  Nanowrimo In Two Days. Nanowrimo In Two Days. Nanowrimo. In. Two. Days.

Fyandrogyny: This My Facebook Friend Jesse, Yes He’s A Boy And He’s Gorgeous! (Submitted By Stevenjustin)

Fyandrogyny:  This My Facebook Friend Jesse, Yes He’s A Boy And He’s Gorgeous!

Want So Bad.

Want So Bad.

I Ship It.

I Ship It.

blacktears blacktraps