Proto Porn
So. Many. Cuties.
How The Heck Did Your Formspring Turn Into An Advice Column? And When Did You Become So Freaking Wise???
Thegoldsnitch: Boyfriendreplacement: Peanut Butter Cup Brownie Bottom Cheesecake “Boyfriend Replacement” Indeed
I Ship It.
Anon Vs. Tumblr (Fanfic)
Anon Vs. Tumblr (Fanfic)
Ultradeepfield: 50 Followers? You Wish You Had Awesome Followers Like This:
Bornwithglitter: Gyllenbeard: Bornwithglitter: Gyllenbeard: Graceylouwho: Lazyscranton: Currently Eating. I Am In Love. Why Have I Never Heard Of This Orgasmic Yumness?! Where Does This Exist And When Can I Move There?!?! Ohmygod Pilgrim Joe’s.
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