Proto Porn
jh0n: What was this supposed to say? o.o YOU CAPTURE MY HEART.
jh0n: What was this supposed to say? o.o YOU CAPTURE MY HEART.
Day Two: A Famous Person You've Been Compared To
Fuckyeahhairlesscats: _Dsc5889A (By Horizon-Photo) Such A Proud Stance For Such A Tacky Outfit.
Happypyrodance: “I’m Gonna Pretend To Work Now.derpaderpaderpaderpaderp
Jimmy Being Davey, Amirite Or Amirite?
Zapcrashboom: Gengentherii: I Am Speechless. Really? Really?…This Is What Is Happening In Libya Right Now, This Photo Is Just Too Powerful And Sad. Look At The Boy’s Face, How He’s Trying To Hold His Mother’s (Possibly Grandma’s Or Aunt’s
Sixohthree: Baby Bunnies For Neva! (By David Howes) They Are So Little And Wrinkly! Look At The Little Ears! Oh Goodness &Amp;Lt;3
@Graham &Amp;Amp; Caroline
Leteachbreathfillthedarkness: Lucy: “Do You Really Think They’re Going To Be Friends With Someone Like You?” Simon: “For The First Time In My Life I Feel Like I Belong. I’ve Never Been This Happy.” This Episode Ripped Me Apart.
It's Over. He Broke Up With Me. White Girl Problems Or Not, I'm Fucking Sobbing Right Now.