Proto Porn
porcinestresssyndrome: shout out to my leg hair
porcinestresssyndrome: shout out to my leg hair
Brainnsss-Nom: What My License Will Look Like Once I Finally Update It. True Life: I&Amp;Rsquo;M Dating A Cat
Starts Reading Fic. Sees The Phrase &Amp;Ldquo;Puckered Hole.&Amp;Rdquo; Quickly Closes The Tab.
Vileplumage Replied To Your Post: Starts Reading Fic. Sees The Phrase “Puckered&Amp;Hellip; “Puckered Muscle” Does It For Me To D: Oh My God Noooooo. I&Amp;Rsquo;M So Disapooti. The Fic Had Strap-Ons Involved. Alas, It Wasn&Amp;Rsquo;T Meant To Be.
Bigjazzboy: Take My Love, Take My Land, Take Me Where I Cannot Stand
Ghost-Phage: Seinemajestat: Heyheyletsgo: The Batman Is Generally A Solitary Creature, Occasionally Leaving Its Cave To Collect Small Orphan Birds.
Cupcakedinosaur: I Am One Classy Mofo #Sunglasses #Purplehair #Redlipstick #Septum (Taken With Instagram) A Stunning Example Of How Hot My Friends Are.
Hackedmotionsensors: ;_; Jesus Fucking Christ
Pa-Tang: Things I Did Not Expect To See In This One-Shot Oh Shit.
Areyoujun: I Watched Avengers Again And I Brony’d Like Months Late
Cindyisawkward: Awwww Stop I&Amp;Rsquo;M So Sad That Shark Week Is Over :&Amp;Rsquo;(
Big Boy Worthless
Greatbriton: The Point Of Tony Stark Is To Give You A Fucking Jerkface Asshole That You Really Shouldn’t Like Although In The End You Do Like Because He’s Actually A Good Man But Don’t Forget That He’s Also A Jerkface Asshole, Fandom Because