Proto Porn
you're my god-given solace.
you're my god-given solace.
You Must Be Mr. Boggins!
Carnographic: I Wanted To Tell Brian It Was Over Now And Everything Would Be Okay. But That Was A Lie, Plus, I Couldn’t Speak Anyway. I Wish There Was Some Way For Us To Go Back And Undo The Past. But There Wasn’t. There Was Nothing We Could Do.
Artsydapperdactyl: In My Headcanon, Frerin Was A Sassy Little Shit And Liked To Poke Fun At Everything, Especially Thorin
Lookimadeasomething: Archery Lesson
Wait. Before I Go. There Was A Ship War Today Over Thorin/Thranduil And Thorin/Bilbo? Are You Shitting Me? Both Ships Are Interesting. They&Amp;Rsquo;Re Both Valid. One May Have A Little More Hateromance Going For It, But Whatever. I Don&Amp;Rsquo;T Understand
Daycaredropout: The Vicious Pitbull In Its Naturally Godless Killing Rage
Ramblingsfromthelandofcotton: How Dare U Call Me Heterophobic, I Am 1/64Th Heterosexual On My Mother’s Side
Fandomsandfeminism: Laoih: Tauriel In Mirkwood I’m So Excited About This. &Amp;Lt;3