Proto Porn

…Do people really think Kili is a sub? More specifically, do people really think Fili is a dom?

…Do people really think Kili is a sub? More specifically, do people really think Fili is a dom?

…Do people really think Kili is a sub? More specifically, do people really

…Do people really think Kili is a sub? More specifically, do people really

…Do people really think Kili is a sub? More specifically, do people really

…Do people really think Kili is a sub? More specifically, do people really

…Do people really think Kili is a sub? More specifically, do people really

…Do people really think Kili is a sub? More specifically, do people really

…Do people really think Kili is a sub? More specifically, do people really

…Do people really think Kili is a sub? More specifically, do people really

…Do people really think Kili is a sub? More specifically, do people really

…Do people really think Kili is a sub? More specifically, do people really

Savarend Replied To Your Post: Savarend Replied To Your Post: …Do People Really&Amp;Hellip; Yeah. Plus, Like, Fili Needs To Surrender Control Yesssss.  Also, I&Amp;Rsquo;M Into The Idea Of Fili Needing To Be Prodded Into Taking Control?  Like, Once He&Amp;Rsquo;S

Savarend Replied To Your Post: Savarend Replied To Your Post: …Do People Really&Amp;Hellip;

Kilisonofthorin Replied To Your Post: Savarend Replied To Your Post: Savarend Replied To&Amp;Hellip; Also Yes To Fili Needing To Be Pushed To Take Control… Kili Totes Goads Him Into It, Sometimes Because He Likes Fili Being Demanding, Other Times So He

Kilisonofthorin Replied To Your Post: Savarend Replied To Your Post: Savarend Replied

Accidentally Clicking On Beastiality Fanart The Blog:  The Life

Accidentally Clicking On Beastiality Fanart The Blog:  The Life

Kannibal: /Shamelessly Trips Into Your Well-Constructed Bagginshield Au/ /Destroys It In The Attempt To Make Passable Art Of It/ I’m So Gomen Lina’s Bad-Ass, Barefooted, Newport-Wearing, Double-Pedaling Lady!Bilbo Because Like Heeelll I’m Not Going

Kannibal:  /Shamelessly Trips Into Your Well-Constructed Bagginshield Au/ /Destroys

Reason #3280 Why I&Amp;Rsquo;M Really Happy I&Amp;Rsquo;M In The Hobbit Fandom:  It&Amp;Rsquo;S Made Me Feel A Zillion Times More Comfortable Talking About Kinks And Ultimately Helping Me Articulate Kinks Of My Own.

Reason #3280 Why I&Amp;Rsquo;M Really Happy I&Amp;Rsquo;M In The Hobbit Fandom:  It&Amp;Rsquo;S

Fictograph: Iron Man 3 Is Coming Out So Soon!  I’m Trying Out This Awesome New Inking Brush I Downloaded.

Fictograph:  Iron Man 3 Is Coming Out So Soon!  I’m Trying Out This Awesome New

Hyperscraps: Angelofthehomosexuals: Ard3Nt: This Is How I Learned To Stop Doing It, People Should Reblog This.  This Is Actually Important Hey Look Self Harm Advice That Acknowledges That There’s More Than Two Reasons That People Do It Applauds

Hyperscraps:  Angelofthehomosexuals:   Ard3Nt:   This Is How I Learned To Stop Doing

Elasticitymudflap: Fictional Boys (◡‿◡✿) Fictional Boys Fighting (◕‿◕✿) Fictional Boys Getting Beat Up (◉‿◉✿) Fictional Boys Covered In Blood (⊙‿⊙✿) Fictional Boys Covered In Their Own Blood (ʘ‿ʘ✿)

Elasticitymudflap:  Fictional Boys (◡‿◡✿) Fictional Boys Fighting (◕‿◕✿)

Whipbogard: Not Exactly A Scene From The Movie And ‘Apple Pie’ Is Definitely Not One Of Rhodey’s Canon Nicknames But You Get The Picture!

Whipbogard:  Not Exactly A Scene From The Movie And ‘Apple Pie’ Is Definitely

My Therapist Got Back To Me.  She Said She&Amp;Rsquo;S Totally Okay With Doing Biweekly, Symptom-Intensive Sessions.  I&Amp;Rsquo;M Just Nervous That Now That I&Amp;Rsquo;M Going To Actually Be Talking About My Symptoms In Detail She&Amp;Rsquo;S Going To Realize How

My Therapist Got Back To Me.  She Said She&Amp;Rsquo;S Totally Okay With Doing Biweekly,

Ladlelickedbarnaby: Oh Hay Guys Sup.

Ladlelickedbarnaby:  Oh Hay Guys Sup.

Get A Load Of That Dog

Get A Load Of That Dog

AriaGiovanni ArtGW