Proto Porn
The Great Hazane-sama
The Great Hazane-sama
Savarend Replied To Your Post: Savarend Replied To Your Post: Savarend Replied To&Amp;Hellip; Yes Oh My God My Headcanon Is That She’s Very Brash And Aggressive And Gets In Fights A Lot Especially With Misogynists Yes Please. I Just See Her As This Badass
Savarend Replied To Your Post: Savarend Replied To Your Post: Savarend Replied To&Amp;Hellip; Someone Catcalls Her? She Breaks His Nose. Someone Insults Her Husband? She Breaks His Arm. Orcs Try To Kill Her Family? She Slaughters Them All. Dis For Queen
Thehappysorceress: The Fall (And Rise) Of Tony Stark By Isikol
Silvermoon424: The Miracle Romance That Transcends Time And Space, Ladies And Gentlemen.
Tumblino: They’re Like A Super Model Family
Tawny: That Cat Is Not Pleased
Disqueenunderthemountain: Against-Stars: It Was Only A Sketch How Did It End Up Like This Um Excuse U Katya This Is Fantastic And So Are You (My Badass Lady Bilbo *Smooches*)
Kilisonofthorin Replied To Your Post: [Whispers Into The Void Again] No Really Stop&Amp;Hellip; Lauren Has Made Me Really Like Modern Fili With Short Hair Tbh. (Kili W/Long Hair 5Ever Tho) I Feel Like Fili Have Short Hair In Moden Aus Makes Perfect Sense.
Asparklethatisblue: A Kíli And Ori Cuddle Sketch, Because There Was A Free Corner On My Page Uvu
Racistpartyking Replied To Your Post: Kilisonofthorin Replied To Your Post: [Whispers&Amp;Hellip; Now Im Imagining Feminist Fili And Kili Shouting ‘Fuck The Patriarchy’ Ahhhhhhh As You Should, Tbh. They Also Take After Their Mother And Beat Up Boys At
Disqueenunderthemountain Replied To Your Post: Kilisonofthorin Replied To Your Post: [Whispers&Amp;Hellip; I Really Love Femme!Fili A Lot In Conjunction With Androgynous/Genderfluid!Kili Tbh &Amp;Lt;3 And Regardless Of Rule 63 Or No Neither Of The Would Hate
Viivus: Late Night Korrasami Sketching Goodnight