Proto Porn
Break my character's mind, body or heart.
Break my character's mind, body or heart.
Krwawnik Replied To Your Post: And Now I’ll Feel Bad If I Won’t Thank Tini And&Amp;Hellip; It Was A Pleasure! :) Your Characters Are Always So Developed, It’s Interesting To Read About Them! Thanksies Milly. -O3O- And Believe It Or Not, Back
Imagineyourotp: Imagine Person A Of Your Otp Doing Body Painting On Person B. Fucking Shit Hell Looks Like I Have To Do More Writing At Some Point. 8&Amp;Rsquo;&Amp;Ldquo;&Amp;Rsquo;D
Nowyoukno: More Facts.
Interest Piqued In Shadows
Still Thinking That With All Those Buckles And Flaps And Collars And God Knows What Else, Male Abs Are Like Walking Bondage Dreams. Just Sayin&Amp;Rsquo;. 8&Amp;Rsquo;D
This Is How Things Can Go In Bio 2 Sometimes, For Me.when I Spot The Sinx: Aaand When The Sinx Spots Me: Oh The Irony.
Here&Amp;Rsquo;S To Hoping I Won&Amp;Rsquo;T Be Sleeping On The Couch Tonight!
Look At That Freaking Armor. Look At The Freaking Details. Look Look Look Holy Shit This Is A True Work Of Art.
Title: Make Me Feel Unrealrating: -Pairing: Sc/Aba/N: Erm, Yeah. Remember When I Said Yesterday I&Amp;Rsquo;D Need To Write Again? Well, I Did. So Thanks To Imagineyourotp About The Inspiring Post That Made Me Create This Piece. Recently I Seem To Be Writing
Askbiolabstrentini: Alphyyy~~~ &Amp;Lt;3 ([Sorry For The Long Wait :”) My Hand Isn’t As Sensitive Anymore So I Can Draw Again!… Wooohooo!!! Or Boohoo For Some People :”) Sorry :D]) Otp Otp Otp Otp Otp *Takes A Deep Breath * Otp Otp Otp Otp Otp Otp