Proto Porn
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This Sums Up My Morning So Far.
Ladies And Gentlemen, I Present To You, Our Game Masters. *Snickers*
I Would Kill For Those Colors On Fro. I. Would. Kill. Oh Well, I Guess My Ab Looks Nice With The Red/Gold Colors&Amp;Hellip; *Sighs*
They&Amp;Rsquo;Re Really Not As Heartless As People Might Think They Are. ~
Title: Victimrating: Pg-13 (Harsh Language, Derp)Pairing: Nonea/N: Another Small Ficlet That Has Been Stuck Inside My Head For Ages. I Really, Really Was Not Sure Whether I Should&Amp;Rsquo;Ve Included The Last Two &Amp;Lsquo;Paragraphs&Amp;Rsquo;, But I Thought
And Then People Wonder Why I Get Bored Fast On Mid Rates. *Shakes Head*
Due Shit Being Fucked Up And No Help Available At The Moment, I Finally Had Some Time To Read. Seriously, Thongs? You Just&Amp;Hellip; Had To, Didn&Amp;Rsquo;T You! Also, I Can&Amp;Rsquo;T Help But Laugh At His Logic. &Amp;Ldquo;I Won&Amp;Rsquo;T Be Wearing This Uniform
Skittleslol: Karuna-Tan: They’re Really Not As Heartless As People Might Think They Are. ~ Yes. Porings Attack Only When They Smell Your Fear. Otherwise They Just Sit There. Waiting. Biding Their Time. Taunting You With Their Deceptive :3 Skittles