Proto Porn
This happens when Ren goes AFK and I get bored.
This happens when Ren goes AFK and I get bored.
Koori Froze And Her Eyes Widened. “Let… Go… Of… My… Ears…” She Said In A Quiet Voice. “I Will Not Ask Again.”And What Happened After That Still Makes Me Wtf. Ah Well.
What The Hell&Amp;Ndash; Seyren What The Fuck Is That Pose? 8&Amp;Rsquo;D That&Amp;Rsquo;S Gay.
“Or Are You Trying To Hint That There’s A Chance You’d Break The Vows We Made That Day?” Eyes Widening, Satsu Shook Her Head Instantly. ”No!” The Smile Was Still There. “I Know, Dear, I Know.”___I&Amp;Rsquo;M Supposed To Be Writing This.
Askalphoccio: “With A Stick, Obviously.&Amp;Ldquo; Alphoccio Twirled The Broken Arrow Shaft Once Before Pointing The Sharp End Forward. &Amp;Rdquo;No, It’s A Trade Secret Actually. Can’t Tell You Unless You’re A Bard Yourself, Y’know~ Shame You’re
&Amp;Ldquo;You Could Kill Harpies With Aspersio.&Amp;Rdquo; Only On F-Fucking-Ro. The Amount Of Stupidity In That Single Sentence Overwhelms Me In So Many Levels That I Can&Amp;Rsquo;T Even. =W=
I Did This Once And Only Once. And I&Amp;Rsquo;M Never Ever Going To Do That Again. Namely Some Lord Knight Chose To Drink Himself Silly And Then Wanted To Mob Et For Us. Never. Again.
Brains, Stop Imagining Things. *Bangs Her Head With The Keyboard*