Proto Porn
tonaku: Hiruma proving a point to Shin.Bonus: Shin’s reaction
tonaku: Hiruma proving a point to Shin.Bonus: Shin’s reaction
Bakamura-Eijun: He’s So Happy Look At How Happy This Devil Is Now That He Has A Team And They’re Going To The Kanto Tournament And Musashi’s Back And Asdfghjkl
Polychrome-Rose: My Weapons Por 「ナタリーチズナド ☆」
Cutthroatbitchhh: Gvnkin: Japan Vines Are Next Level Im Wheezing
Pinku-Tenshi: 5:19 Am
Jaimeisarainicorn: Cicerothewriter: Desireto-Bethin: Fitdollproject: Happyrosanna: Find-Y0Ur-Freedom: Inlovewithafictionalcharacter: This Is One Of The Most Inspirational Stories Ever. Oh. My. God. Is This A True Story?? It Is Indeed. (X) And
Prettypandaeyes: My Edit | Src
{Shoujo Notes}
Petitcho: セブンイレブンDelicious Sweetsの「春いちごのダブルフロマージュ」
Japanesedrama: Kinkyori Renai
God Smokes Cheap Cigars
Hellotailor: Thechronicwonderer: So My Friend Had Top Surgery And Once In A Lifetime Opportunity.
Raimondomark: Emeraldjade: “I Got It! I Got It!”Go, Baby! Yes, You Do! You Got It! Look At Him Go, Y’all. Omg. This Is Quite Possibly My Favorite Thing I’ve Seen On The Internet. Ever.