Proto Porn
mishasminions: SAME
mishasminions: SAME
Andraste's Grace: Just A Reminder How Much The Doctor Loves Rose Tyler
His Best Girl
Thepunkrocker: Thescentofsouls: I’ll Respect Your Opinion As Long As Your Opinion Doesn’t Disrespect My Existence. This Phrase Should Be Written Everywhere Around The World
Doctorandroseinatardis: Christmas Invasion - Poster. Oh, How I Miss The Doctor And Rose.
Celestetsukino: Tardis - Time And Relative Dimension(S) In Space An Infographic By: Celestetsukino Please Click For Larger Version!
Lauraxtennant Has Changed Her Url Due To Being Harassed By Someone Irl -- Please Follow Her New Url Lauraxxtennant --- Please Signal Boost This!!
Thirdstrikes: Look! It’s Transparent Tentoo/Rose Kissing One Your Blog!
Takshammy: This Guy
I’d Meet You Where The Spirit Meets The Bones
Lokichipmunk: Joey-Andromeda: Liggytheauthoress: Freesamuel: Beehives: Harvey Used To Be A Fighting Dog. His Ears Torn From Battles He Was Forced Into. He Flinches When You Talk Too Loud Around Him. He Gets So Excited When You Prepare His Food, As
Who-Lligan: &Amp;Ldquo;What Russell Did That Was So Brilliant Was Make The Companion Our Way Into The Story. And The Companion Was Rose.&Amp;Rdquo; -Neil Gaiman, The Doctors Revisited - The Ninth Doctor