Proto Porn

jupitertouchedher: Moon signs and where they physically feel intensity;Aries moons: They feel in their face, on their skin. Living the stereotype of hotheaded but people forget how they blush.Taurus moons: Held in the back of the neck, shaking their

jupitertouchedher: Moon signs and where they physically feel intensity;Aries moons: They feel in their face, on their skin. Living the stereotype of hotheaded but people forget how they blush.Taurus moons: Held in the back of the neck, shaking their

jupitertouchedher:  Moon signs and where they physically feel intensity;Aries moons:

jupitertouchedher:  Moon signs and where they physically feel intensity;Aries moons:

jupitertouchedher:  Moon signs and where they physically feel intensity;Aries moons:

jupitertouchedher:  Moon signs and where they physically feel intensity;Aries moons:

jupitertouchedher:  Moon signs and where they physically feel intensity;Aries moons:

jupitertouchedher:  Moon signs and where they physically feel intensity;Aries moons:

jupitertouchedher:  Moon signs and where they physically feel intensity;Aries moons:

jupitertouchedher:  Moon signs and where they physically feel intensity;Aries moons:

jupitertouchedher:  Moon signs and where they physically feel intensity;Aries moons:

jupitertouchedher:  Moon signs and where they physically feel intensity;Aries moons:

jupitertouchedher:  Moon signs and where they physically feel intensity;Aries moons:

Kaijutegu: Bulbasaur-Propaganda: Saw This And Thought I Should Add Sounds And Music To It. Get Fucked Caterpie

Kaijutegu:  Bulbasaur-Propaganda: Saw This And Thought I Should Add Sounds And Music

Timeless-Mars: Timeless-Mars: I Know That Water Signs Are Sensitive™ But Can We Talk About Earth Signs??? If They Don’t Have Time To Eat, Forget Their Stuff At Home, Or The Environment Is Messy, It Throws Their Entire Mood Off

Timeless-Mars: Timeless-Mars:  I Know That Water Signs Are Sensitive™ But Can We

Insanelycoolish: Bloodytales: Bloodytales: My 4 Year Old Nephew Loves To Paint His Nails. Any Time He Sees Someone Wear Nail Polish He Asks If He Can Have Some Too. The Most Difficult Part Is Getting Him To Decide What Color, Because He He Wants

Insanelycoolish:  Bloodytales:  Bloodytales:    My 4 Year Old Nephew Loves To Paint



Youcantcancelquidditch: Apparently You Can’t Be Employed By The Cia If You’ve Ever Illegally Downloaded Music Breaking News: In 20 Years, The Cia Will Operate Out Of The President’s Basement, Staffed By Four Old Men And Six Guinea Pigs

Youcantcancelquidditch:  Apparently You Can’t Be Employed By The Cia If You’ve

Defendth3Faith: Have You Ever Been Sexually Attracted To A Voice

Defendth3Faith: Have You Ever Been Sexually Attracted To A Voice

The-Social-Recluse: There Is A Difference Between Finding Someone Aesthetically Pleasing Being Sexually Attracted To Someone Being Romantically Attracted To Someone #And Its Ok If You Can’t Figure Out What The Fuck You’re Actually Feeling

The-Social-Recluse:   There Is A Difference Between Finding Someone Aesthetically

Incisedpottery: Me Reading My Own Posts: Hmm..  That’s An Embarrassing Thing 2 Post On The Internet 

Incisedpottery:  Me Reading My Own Posts: Hmm..  That’s An Embarrassing Thing

Andrewilynyckyj: Relatable

Andrewilynyckyj:  Relatable

Chicken-Nuggets10: Spirit Box: Fuck You Shane: What You Say To Me

Chicken-Nuggets10: Spirit Box: Fuck You Shane: What You Say To Me

Better With Two

Better With Two

Snorlaxatives: I Still Can’t Believe It’s Already Fucking November Like October Literally Felt Like It Lasted 4 Minutes Where Has This Year Gone Why Is The Progression Of Time So Mind Boggling To Me What The Fuck

Snorlaxatives: I Still Can’t Believe It’s Already Fucking November Like October

Sundresses Surprised_Pornstars