Proto Porn

notsoholymarie: timelordsatan:  #you say your name every 5 minutes #there is literally no opportunity to forget your name #javert is a fucking pokemon i swear

notsoholymarie: timelordsatan:  #you say your name every 5 minutes #there is literally no opportunity to forget your name #javert is a fucking pokemon i swear

notsoholymarie:  timelordsatan:   #you say your name every 5 minutes #there is

notsoholymarie:  timelordsatan:   #you say your name every 5 minutes #there is

You Charming Fuck.

You Charming Fuck.

Snarky Title Goes Here: Lyraeon: Lyraeon: Headcanon: The Pokemon Gym/League Theme As We Know...

Snarky Title Goes Here: Lyraeon: Lyraeon: Headcanon: The Pokemon Gym/League Theme

Queen-Of-The-Galaxy: He Is Literally The Opposite Of A Weeaboo. Huh.

Queen-Of-The-Galaxy:  He Is Literally The Opposite Of A Weeaboo.   Huh.

Nayx: Let Me Explain Something To You Son, Exeggcute Is A Pile Of Eggs That Evolves Into A Palm Tree

Nayx:  Let Me Explain Something To You Son, Exeggcute Is A Pile Of Eggs That Evolves

Goddamn Third Wheel

Goddamn Third Wheel

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Too Much Lsd, I Suppose...

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