Proto Porn
regardintemporel: Herbert Strässer - Sans Titre, 1954
regardintemporel: Herbert Strässer - Sans Titre, 1954
Leirelatent: Pina Bausch
Ignacioararipe: José Yalenti , Reflexo , 1950.
Rudygodinez: Michał Sowiński, Odejscia–Powroty (Of Leaving–Returns), (1985)
Vnutrennosti: Untitled ( “Rats In The Walls Waiting For The Signal To Attack The Veins ” )
Regardintemporel: Nacho López
Les-Sources-Du-Nil: Weegee (Arthur Fellig, 1899-1968)Strange Nude, 1955
Regardintemporel: Igor Makarevich - Métamorphoses, Ca. 1970
Regardintemporel: Jörg Hannemann
Regardintemporel: Thierry Valencin - Nu Papillon
Ignacioararipe: José Oiticica Filho, Recriação 29-64Via Http://
Nothing-But-Vices: Billyjane: Contemporary Surreal [Ll;] Peep Hole By Unconsciouseye [Thank You Frenchtwist ,For Reminder]
Zzzze: Alexander Hammid, ‘Maya’