Proto Porn
flashofgod: Alexander Rodchenko, Untitled, 1930.
flashofgod: Alexander Rodchenko, Untitled, 1930.
Drowning-In-Limbo: © Lydia Lazarus 2016
Theories-Of: Floris M. Neusüss. Nachtbild (48), 1991; Photogram, Unique; 68 X 42 In
Le-Immortel: Credit ▪ Adam Fuss - Twin Palms (Serie: My Ghost)
Vivipiuomeno1: Urs Luthi, Swiss Artist - Photograph Of The Live-Performance “Mille Rose Rosse”, Milano 1974
Vivipiuomeno1: Christian Boltanski, ( French Born 1944) Autel De Lycee Chases (Altar To Chases High School) From Lessons Of Darkness, 1988 At Moca, Six Black And White Photographs, 22 Tin Biscuit Boxes, And Six Lights, 67 × 84½ Inches
Vjeranski: Wade Guyton, Untitled, 2008
Animus-Inviolabilis: “Syzygy #85,1986″Hiroshi Osaka 1986
Thegreatinthesmall: Willy Kessels, Untitled, 1930S
Mezza-Voce: Mezza Voce
Mezza-Voce: By Mezza Voce
Tierramarga: L'etoile De Mer (1928, Man Ray
Surrealist-Phantoms: Claude Cahun, Self-Portrait, 1947