Proto Porn
taxidermy-in-art: Meret Oppenheim, Squirrel, 1960
taxidermy-in-art: Meret Oppenheim, Squirrel, 1960
Grigiabot: René Magritte L’espion
Fernsandmoss:hannah Höch
Regardintemporel: Pierre Soulages - Sans Titre, 1960
Grigiabot:jiří Kolář Sans Titre,1979
Trauma0001: 02.12 17
Anachoretique: Raoul Ubac - Mannequin De Salvador Dali
Inneroptics: Man Ray
Reallifeishorror: Hans Bellmer “La Poupée, Berlin”
Foxesinbreeches: Kansuke Yamamoto, C.1970 Also
Bintphotobooks:aurel Bauh “Vision 2” 1929-1930 Format 297X235Mm Lot 140. Estimation 2000-3000 € Http://
Psychictigerthing:lydia With Mannequins (Photo By Man Ray).
Rudygodinez: Man Ray, Equation (Mathematical Model), (1928) In The History Of Surrealist Painting, Marcel Jean Suggests That It May Have Been Max Ernst Who Brought The Mathematical Models Into The Surrealist Consciousness. “Max Ernst Had Originally