Proto Porn
Reblog If You Think Your Voice Is Unattractive.
Leon-S-Kennedy: Playing Video Games Is 10% Luck, 20% Skill, 30% Pleasure, And 120% Pain
Larvitarr: Ash Pokemon X And Y By *Kurumierika
Gaypokemontrainers: Ralpetora: 【腐】Pkspまとめ Oh My Bob. Babies!!!
Bring Revolution To The Universe!
Omg System 7!!!!!! Cvnmg,/Dfbhngfngdhnmghghdf
I Lortve Old Apple Stuff!!!!B Dfvgnmjkhg
Beige Computer Cases
Aleclikeswhales: Apple Centris 650
Whiskeyinyrshoes: (Via Design Fetish: Retro Mac Iphone Cases) I Made A Flippant Reference To These The Other Night… But I Was Making Them Up. And Then They Turned Up On My Google Reader.
Justindanger: Apple Logo Circa 1981