Proto Porn
kipam: [ Red , Leaf ] 「 Always together 」
kipam: [ Red , Leaf ] 「 Always together 」
Thatdoodlebug: They Gone Fishin
Scarlettthetumbler: “Brionne Always Acts Cheery And Positive. Even When It’s Feeling Sad, This Pokémon Doesn’t Allow Its Sorrow To Show. It’s Said That Brionne Will Only Reveal A Sad Expression To A Pokémon Or Trainer To Whom It Has Opened
Twotailedmoon:【腐向け】グズマさんと主人公くん【グズ主♂】 | ちよこ [Pixiv] Http://;Amp;Illust_Id=58864250
Just Gonna Casually Pop In For A Bit
Kipam: [ Giovanni * Red ] * Http://
Servenerve: @Thatdoodlebug I Doodled Your Sons Ha
Out-Of-Pocket: Iv Been In Love With Pokemon Since I Was Five
Kipam: [ Satoshi , Red ] Team Rocket
Thatdoodlebug: They Gone Fishin
Silver Time Lover
Thatdoodlebug: Ash: *Utters Great Profanities Whilst Playing Snes Game* Gary: *Is Shocked/Amused All At Once* Crappy Doodle I Coloured Lol