Proto Porn
Whoa, can I have a huge cat?
Whoa, can I have a huge cat?
There Is No Abstract Art
Guys, I Just Love Chopin So Much. I Put Him On To Finish My Essay And Started Crying Within 30 Seconds. It Wasn&Amp;Rsquo;T Even One If His Heartbreaking Pieces.
Lostlilac: James Guthrie
Pixography: Loved By The Death God By Takato Yamamoto
Romantic Pornography
L’homme Qui Ment (Alain Robbe-Grillet, 1968)
Beauvelvet: Brigitte Bardot Photographed By Nicolas Tikhomiroff In 1958.
23Silence: Gabriel De Cool (1854 – ?, French) - The Muse, 1895 Wow, Wow, Wow, She Is So Ethereal And Lovely And Wow.
Tpulov: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Ecstasy Of Saint Teresa (1652) (…) The Chapel Illustrates A Moment Where Divinity Intrudes On An Earthly Body. Caroline Babcock Speaks Of Bernini’s Melding Of Sensual And Spiritual Pleasure In The “Orgiastic” Grouping