Proto Porn
life has to be like this, has to keep going on
life has to be like this, has to keep going on
When The Snow Melts, What Does It Become?
Justcomebacktobed: Holy Shit This Is Unreal
Castiel-Fallsnomore: Dutchster: Do Twins Ever Realize One Of Them Was Unplanned As A Twin Yes We Do. We Also Argue Over Who Was The “Buy One” And Who Was The “Get One Free”.
Starshine-Automaton: Ignotum-Per-Aeque-Ignotum: Fandomstuck: The Fact That There Are Animals Who Can See Colors That I Cant Which Means That There Are Colors That Exist That It Is Literally Impossible For Me To Envision Is Such Fucking Bullshit That
Raw, Real &Amp; Relatable
Singsweetnightinggale: Smileyfacewinkwink: Marius, No… Ok This Joke Is Going A Little Overboard
Earloffabulousness: I Put The D In Disney
Lumos5001: Same-Ish: British To American Food Translations Do You Guys Really Call French Toast Eggy Bread
Your-Glasgow-Smile: &Amp;Ldquo;Excuse Me How Dare U&Amp;Rdquo;
Pinkrhinoceros: Insertfancyurl: Wait This Is Actually So Helpful Where Was This When I Was Making My Lembas Bread
Thisisgroundcontroltomajortom: Cas-Is-Deans-Huggy-Bear: Wincestheadcannons: The First Time Dean Died, Sam Put An Ipod Dock In The Impala. He Knew His Brother Wouldn’t Approve. But He Did It Anyways Because He Remembered Dean Saying If Sam Screwed