Proto Porn

if youre spending time w/ family friends or w/e it is that youre doing this evening make sure you have your people with you. you know 1 of your people that stays sober to make sure you get home safely. cuz I have a feeling some of you are going to take

if youre spending time w/ family friends or w/e it is that youre doing this evening make sure you have your people with you. you know 1 of your people that stays sober to make sure you get home safely. cuz I have a feeling some of you are going to take

if youre spending time w/ family friends or w/e it is that youre doing this evening

if youre spending time w/ family friends or w/e it is that youre doing this evening

if youre spending time w/ family friends or w/e it is that youre doing this evening

if youre spending time w/ family friends or w/e it is that youre doing this evening

if youre spending time w/ family friends or w/e it is that youre doing this evening

if youre spending time w/ family friends or w/e it is that youre doing this evening

if youre spending time w/ family friends or w/e it is that youre doing this evening

if youre spending time w/ family friends or w/e it is that youre doing this evening

if youre spending time w/ family friends or w/e it is that youre doing this evening









As Great As 2K17 Was&Amp;Hellip;There Is Some Shit That Just Shouldnt Occur Anymore. Like&Amp;Hellip;Everything Is Not &Amp;Ldquo;A Vibe&Amp;Rdquo;. I Want To See Brown And Black Hair Brought Back Amongst Musicians. Too Many Colorful Fucking Hairstyles And Hairdos. Idk

As Great As 2K17 Was&Amp;Hellip;There Is Some Shit That Just Shouldnt Occur Anymore.

Instagram Post By Bria Myles • Dec 27, 2017 At 6:59Pm Utc

Instagram Post By Bria Myles • Dec 27, 2017 At 6:59Pm Utc





Found Ya

Found Ya

I Engage Everybody To Leave All The Toxic Ppl In 2K17 Where They Belong.

I Engage Everybody To Leave All The Toxic Ppl In 2K17 Where They Belong.

Get The Fuck Outta Here 2K17

Get The Fuck Outta Here 2K17

We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes.

We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes.

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