Proto Porn
Ur-A-Slut: Cute
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Cardsforpain: I Showed This To My Mom And We Were Just Laughing Trying To Imagine Ourselves Climbing That Many Stairs. A Good Ad Campaign, I Think.
Yuuemiyaoi: Blushing Bakura~ Kyuu *W*
Epic4Chan: Dear World, Internet Service Providers Will Begin Spying On You! This Is Not Just The Usa, This Is Also Europe, Uk, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, And More. Acta Is Another Attempt By Hollywood And Others To End Privacy And Freedom
.:Holla Atcha Decepticons:.
[Insert Title Here]: One Thing That Pisses Me Off:
Nervousbreakdancer: “When The Moon Fell In Love With The Sun, All Was Golden In The Sky, All Was Golden When The Day Met The Night.”
[Insert Title Here]
Neoncarrotx3: Fleurallys: Submitted By Ladysunami Gaaah Dhfljhdfl I Love Both Of These Artists C: I Always Forget The One On The Left’s Name Though :/// Begins With An N, I Think.