Proto Porn
so many ideas so little time
so many ideas so little time
Arcsys: Somethingraptored: Eyebrow-Sweat: I Cannot Believe My Fu Ck Ing E Y E S John Cena Was Turned Down For A Role In Kim Possible And Then, In That Moment, Decided “You Know What, I Think It’s Time For A Change In My Career, I’m Going To
Cobalt-Fallen-Angel: Queen-Of-Fallen-Angels: Sherlock-The-Dalek: *Slams Button* That Gif Makes It So Much Better
Majesticwaters: Numberonemovement: Mtvqueen: The Best Lyric I Think I’ve Ever Written, And I Think The Fan Favorite, Is From A Song Called ‘Colors’. It’s About A Person Who Gets Affected By Their Partner In A Relationship And Then Their Partner
When You’ve Missed The Vmas And You Log Onto Tumblr
Thepagejakeenglish: @Miley
Have Your Opinions But Here's Some Food For Thought...
Xanderthesalamanderx: Brand Name Vs Great Value.
Shesspiffytho: Twitter Is Really Lit Tonight 😂😂😂😂😂
Beyond-My-Capability: Wait.
Kumagawa: How Do White People Think Like This
Weirdo-Watermelon: Their Faces During Miley’s Final Performance………….
Cheetofetus: I Feel Like This Is A Great Example Of Racism In The Media. Both Of These Are Reporting On The Same Event, But Tmz Portrays Nicki As The “Angry Black Woman”. First The Choose The Picture That Makes Nicki Look Like She’s Attacking,