Proto Porn
clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose
clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose
We're All Mad Here
Spongebob Squarepants
Stunningpicture: Me (Located In Iceland) And My Friend (Located In New Zealand) Made The Biggest Sandwich Of All Time.
Artist Redosking (Instagram / Facebook)
Itachi420: Do You Think They Dyed And Styled Their Hair Like That Because They Fucking Love Their Eeveelutions So Much Or Since Its Anime Were They Born With Hair Like That And Chose Their Evveelutions Based On The Destiny Their Hair Fortold
Girly Shitt
Womb-Of-Reefer: Didyoueatallthisacid: Real Talk Tho Teach Karate To Ur Nudes
Schreibaby-Of-The-Skies: Angelica Summing Up What Having Responsibilities Really Means.
Nutrijuice: Bcashton: This Is A Really Lame Idea, But What The Heck. Ok So If You See This Picture On Your Dash, You Have To Smile. Just Force A Smile, It’ll (Hopefully) Make You Feel Better. And Reblog This So People Can See This And Smile. If You’re