Proto Porn
Give me a fandom and I'll tell you
Give me a fandom and I'll tell you
Merriamwebsterdictionary: Reasons Why Winter Is Better Than Summer: Little To No Insects (◕‿◕✿) Sweaters All The Time (◠△◠✿) The Air Is Nice And Fresh Smelling (◡‿◡✿) Sometimes It Snows And You Get Out Of School \(◕‿◕✿)/
Biznasties: If You’ve Ever Had A Crush On Me God Bless Your Poor Misguided Heart
What Is That?
Hawkeyedriza: Royai Week→ No Firearms In The Bedroom(Because Riza, You Can Be Really Scary)
Fullmetal-Headcanon: Fuery, Falman, Havoc And Breda Each Had A Crush On Riza At Some Point In The Past. Submitted By Anonymous
The12Thprince: Ep.30 - The Ishvalan War Of Extermination - #187
The12Thprince: Ep.30 - The Ishvalan War Of Extermination - The Eyes Of A Killer
The12Thprince: Ep.30 - The Ishvalan War Of Extermination
The1Avenger: Fullmetal Alchemist: The 7 Deadly Sins Greed Pride Wrath Lust Envy Gluttony Sloth Which Is Your Favorite?
Istillmanagetotrip: Put A Band In My Ask And I’ll Tell You Favorite Song Favorite Album First Lyric That Comes To Mind If I’ve Seen Them Live Rate Them: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10