Proto Porn
phaesporias: not for a second.
phaesporias: not for a second.
Iamthejaeger: Yoheysup: Sexually Active Middle Schoolers Scare Me Sexually Active High Schoolers Scare Me
Oh, Hai :3
Thekawaii-Otaku: Anime: Soul Eater
Chuu-Baka: At The End They Say “On Your Marks” In English But Like In The Relay They Said It In Japanese Does That Mean Haru’s Gonna Make It To The Olympics Because Holy Shit
Kanariiya: Haru Smiling (◡‿◡✿)
Fisherpon: The Walls From Attack On Titan, Recreated In Google Earth And Overlaid Onto The Usa And Europe. Wall Sina (250Km Radius): 196,350Km2 (75,811Mi2) Senegal, Africa: 196,722Km2 (75,955Mi2)Washington, Usa: 184,665Km2 (77,116Mi2) To Fly From
ジャナイ デス
Rin-Matsuhoeka: Praise Be Kyoani For Their Subtlety
Aragingquiet: Au In Which I Have Money
Jeanlubipieguski: A Little Background Behind All Of This: So I’m Currently Working On A Jeanmarco Doujinshi And I Had This Conversation With My Friend Jazmin And She Suggested I Should Do A Scene With Jean Counting Marco’s Freckles And I Went Like
Ohlookitscazz: Homework… I Swear I Was… Doing Homework… I…
Shingekinobuttcracks: For Farieaislin